1. Introductory Provisions
1.1 These visitor rules are issued by the event promoter, Apollo Productions s.r.o., hereinafter referred to as the "operator" and/or "organizer" and/or "promoter," which establish the basic binding rules for persons entering the premises of the event (hereinafter referred to as the "event area") and using the facilities located in the event area (hereinafter referred to as the "visitor rules") during the event.
1.2 The purpose of the visitor rules is primarily to ensure safety, fire protection, hygiene, health and property protection within the event area, as well as to secure optimal conditions for all sports, social, and/or cultural events (hereinafter referred to as "events") that will be held in the event area. The aim of the visitor rules is also to ensure a pleasant social atmosphere within the area.
1.3 For the purposes of these visitor rules, the event area is defined as the visibly delineated premises of the operator on the grounds of the event location (hereinafter referred to as the "event area"). The opening of the area and the individual premises of the event area will be specified approximately 14 days before the event.
1.4 By purchasing a ticket and/or presenting a ticket upon entering the area and/or entering the event area, every visitor agrees to the conditions stipulated in these visitor rules, and from the moment of entering the event area, these visitor rules become binding for every visitor for the entire duration of their stay in the event area. For the purposes of these visitor rules, a visitor and/or the public is defined as any person entering the event area, including media representatives.
1.5 The provisions of these visitor rules apply analogously to persons entering the event area based on a special contractual relationship with the operator and/or its contractual partners (hereinafter referred to as "staff").
1.6 Besides the operator, the supervision over the adherence and respect of the visitor rules is also authorized to the organizing or security service, or in the scope of their statutory authority, the Police of the Czech Republic or Municipal Police.

2. Event Area
2.1 The event area serves visitors for leisure time activities and for active participation in and watching events held in the area.
2.2 The public may enter the event area, or its appropriately defined zones, only with the operator's consent and/or only during visiting hours and/or only in accordance with the conditions set forth in these visitor rules. Any complaints can be made only before entering the area.
2.3 Entry to the event area is allowed from the age of 18.
2.4 A visitor who presents a ZTP/P card (III. degree of disability) and a ticket to the event is allowed to bring an assistant for free. This exception does not apply to holders of a ZTP card (II. degree of disability).
2.5 Supervision over the adherence and respect of these visitor rules is carried out by properly marked employees of the operator and other persons authorized and properly marked by the operator, the security service, or its properly marked employees, and within their statutory powers, also by the Police of the Czech Republic or Municipal Police.
2.6 Only visitors with a valid ticket (festival wristband) and/or other document authorizing them to stay in the area, respectively in its individual zones, are allowed in the event area. Every person in the event area is obliged to have their ticket/wristband and/or other document authorizing them to stay in the area at all times during their stay and to show it without delay upon request by the organizer’s staff, a person authorized by the organizer, and/or the security service. The wristband authorizing entry to the festival remains the property of the organizer until the end of the festival. The wristband may be taken from a visitor if they violate the Visitor Rules. Anyone unable to prove their authorization to stay in the event area may not be admitted to the area and/or may be escorted out of the area.
2.7 A ticket to the event area is valid only for the specified day, time, event, location, and, if applicable, sector, row, and seat indicated on it. The ticket is valid only if unaltered, undamaged, and complete, and unless otherwise specified by the operator, allows for a single entry to the event area. Damaged tickets or wristbands are not exchanged on-site. The ticket is non-transferable unless explicitly stated otherwise on the ticket. Counterfeiting tickets or wristbands is prohibited and punishable under applicable law.
2.8 Persons who are visibly under the influence of alcohol or other addictive and intoxicating substances, as well as those whose behaviour endangers the safety and/or health of persons and/or property within the event area, lose their right to stay in the event area and may not be admitted to the area and/or may be escorted out of the area by the organizer’s staff, a person authorized by the organizer, and/or the security service. Likewise, persons who violate the rules set forth in these visitor rules and/or who do not comply with the instructions of the organizer’s staff, persons authorized by the organizer, and/or the security service may not be admitted to the area and/or may be escorted out of the area.
2.9 Persons who are not admitted to the event area and/or are escorted out of the event area under the conditions of these visitor rules are not entitled to a refund of the paid admission or any other costs incurred for entry and participation in events held in the event area. The organizer may also restrict or completely prohibit entry to the event area for such persons.
2.10 The sale of tobacco and alcoholic products to persons under 18 years of age is prohibited in the event area. The operator reserves the right to completely prohibit the sale of tobacco and alcoholic products during selected events held in the event area. Information about a special prohibition of tobacco and alcoholic products sales according to this provision will always be appropriately published in the event area and also communicated by the operator or the security service to all affected persons.
2.11 Every person inside the event area is obliged to prove their authorization to stay with a valid ticket or authorizing document upon request by the operator, organizing or security service, as well as the Police of the Czech Republic or Municipal Police. Anyone unable to prove their authorization to stay in the area will be escorted out.

3. Visitor Obligations
3.1 Visitors are obliged to behave in the event area in a manner that does not endanger the safety and/or health of third parties and/or their property, as well as the equipment located in the event area, and further not to restrict, endanger, or disturb other visitors beyond what is reasonable considering the circumstances arising from the events held in the area.
3.2 Visitors are obliged to comply with the instructions and orders of the organizer’s staff, persons authorized by the organizer, and/or the security service, as well as the instructions and orders of the Police of the Czech Republic, Municipal Police, the fire service of the promoter, and the emergency medical service.
3.3 Visitors are obliged to comply with applicable legal regulations and obligations related to valid and effective legislation concerning pandemic states. The organizer reserves the right not to admit to the festival area or other places related to the area, such as the camp, car camp, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the "festival area") any visitor who does not comply with these measures, or to request such a visitor to leave the festival area without any compensation from the organizer. If the event is sanctioned by the relevant administrative authorities due to non-compliance with valid and effective legal regulations related to the coronavirus pandemic by visitors, the organizer has the right to claim damages from such a visitor.
3.4 Visitors are obliged to respect the rules arising from these visitor rules and generally binding legal regulations, as well as the rules of decent behavior and good manners.
3.5 Every person entering the area agrees without further notice to the free acquisition and use of their image or likeness as part of any visual and/or sound recording, transmission, or reproduction of the event held in the area, both for press, radio, television, or similar news purposes and for commercial or promotional purposes, in connection with the operator and its contractual partners. This consent is granted for an indefinite period.
3.6 Visitors are prohibited from bringing and/or having in the event area the following items, in particular:
3.6.1 Racist, insulting, vulgar, or other materials contrary to good manners;
3.6.2 Weapons of any kind, as well as all items usable as cutting, stabbing, or striking weapons or other items that could endanger the safety, health, or lives of visitors;
3.6.3 Corrosive, flammable, explosive, coloring, dry ice, or other substances affecting health;
3.6.4 Gas bombs (LPG), pressure vessels with food gases (CO2, nitrogen, etc.), metal or glass bottles, containers, cans, or other items made of brittle, splintering, or exceptionally hard materials;
3.6.5 Pyrotechnics or firing devices;
3.6.6 Addictive and narcotic substances;
3.6.7 Balloons filled with helium or other gases;
3.6.8 Own alcoholic beverages, full camelbacks and/or food; it is possible to bring a maximum of 2 pieces of 0.5l beer per person into the campsite (only once), bringing your own food into the campsite is unlimited; it is possible to bring an empty plastic container with a maximum volume of 1l for filling with water into the festival zone)
3.6.9 Animals except assistance dogs for physically disabled persons, due to the noisy environment;
3.6.10 Materials promoting a political party or movement, or any politically oriented materials;
3.6.11 Materials that would promote individuals who are not official partners of the organizer, and/or any other materials whose use in the venue could violate the protection of the promoter's and its partners' good name;
3.6.12 All types of drones and other flying or driving models including remote-controlled models are prohibited from operating or using without prior written permission from the promoter;
3.7 When bringing or importing bicycles, skateboards, or scooters, visitors acknowledge that they may only ride them in areas designated for this purpose within the event venue;
3.8 The operator or persons authorized by them, particularly leading security service staff (e.g., Supervisor) and/or persons in higher positions, have the right to decide on the danger and/or inappropriateness of individual items brought into the event venue by visitors, upon entry to the event venue, or at any time after the visitor enters the event venue. The decision of these individuals is binding for visitors to the venue. Individuals holding dangerous and/or inappropriate items under this article are required to leave these items at their own risk outside the event venue. Otherwise, individuals holding dangerous and/or inappropriate items under this article lose the right to stay in the event venue and may not be admitted to the event venue and/or may be escorted out of the event venue by the organizer's staff, a person authorized by the organizer, and/or security service.
3.9 Visitors are obliged to allow the operator's staff, persons authorized by the operator, and/or security service to inspect the items and luggage brought in for the purpose of checking compliance with the preceding provision. If a visitor refuses to undergo the inspection according to this provision, they may not be admitted to the event venue and/or may be escorted out of the event venue. 
3.10 Visitors to the event agree to undergo a security inspection to check compliance with this visitor code, both for luggage inspections and personal inspections by the operator's staff, persons authorized by the operator, and/or security service.
3.11 As part of the security inspection, visitors to the venue may be subject to checks, for example, through designated technical means. If a visitor refuses to undergo the security inspection according to this provision, they may not be admitted to the event venue and/or may be escorted out of the event venue.
3.12 Upon entering the venue, each visitor is required to present, without request, and, upon request during their stay in the venue, to provide their ticket or other qualifying document for inspection by the organizer's or security service. At the request of the organizer's or security service, the visitor is obliged to prove their identity with an identity card or other identification document upon entering the venue or at any time during their stay in the venue. Anyone unable to prove their identity may be escorted out of the venue or may not be admitted to the venue.
3.13 Members of the organizer's or security service as well as the Czech Police and Municipal Police are authorized to conduct a control and inspection of persons upon entering the venue, and in justified cases at any time during their stay in the venue, aimed at complying with the prohibition of bringing items according to the visitor code or minimizing security risks for the event. The obligation to undergo inspection also applies to carried luggage and allows for the inspection of individual items brought in.
3.14 Each visitor to the venue is required to behave in such a way as not to damage the venue, its facilities, or the property or health of other persons, and is further required to maintain cleanliness and order in the venue. Each visitor to the venue is also required to behave in a manner that does not restrict or inconvenience other persons attending the event taking place in the venue. 
3.15 Visitors are obliged to comply with the regulations and instructions of the organizer's or security service as well as the Czech Police, Municipal Police, firefighters, and emergency services.
3.16 Visitors to the venue are required to respect generally applicable regulations, rules of decent behavior and good manners, namely courtesy and consideration, and are obliged to refrain from any expressions of interpersonal, racial, religious, or political intolerance. In the event of a breach or non-compliance with this provision, a visitor engaging in clearly prohibited behavior may be immediately escorted out of the venue without prior warning.
3.17 All entrances and exits as well as escape routes from the venue must remain freely passable at all times, and each visitor to the venue is required to adjust their behavior accordingly to this fact.
3.18 Visitors are prohibited from:
a/ expressing, spreading, or publicly displaying racist, insulting, vulgar, or morally objectionable slogans or images,
b/ climbing or scaling structures and facilities not intended for general use, especially facades, fences, walls, stage barriers, lighting fixtures, camera stands, trees, columns of any kind, and climbing on roofs,
c/ entering areas not permitted for visitors (e.g., backstage, vendor areas) or entering areas where the visitor does not have valid permission (ticket),
d/ throwing objects or liquids of any kind at other visitors or onto stages,
e/ igniting or detonating pyrotechnic products (especially fireworks, flares, smoke bombs, firecrackers, sky lanterns, etc.), setting fires,
f/ destroying facilities and equipment in the area,
g/ describing, labeling, or painting buildings, equipment in the area,
h/ relieving oneself outside of toilets or otherwise contaminating the area, especially by littering,
i/ driving on reserved roads and areas without special permission,
j/ taking or using photographs and/or sound or image recordings from the area of the event and performances in the area for commercial purposes without prior written consent from the promoter.
3.19 Visitors to the event are further prohibited from:
3.19.1 bringing into the camp their own speakers with a maximum power of 20W and power generators;
3.19.2 promoting any political party or movement, product, or service;
3.19.3 sitting and/or lying and/or standing and/or kneeling on barriers, fences, pedestrian barriers, and other devices or technical means of the promoter and his suppliers, which are not expressly intended for the above activities; further entering any fencing, warning tapes, or other types of barriers placed in the event spaces, in case of violation of this prohibition, the organizer is not responsible for any damage to property or health caused by this violation;
3.19.4 smoking in tents and any other sheltered spaces;
3.19.5 arbitrarily moving or otherwise manipulating equipment and/or equipment of the promoter, or its suppliers located in the area;
3.19.6 manipulating water, electricity, air supply, or any other equipment in the event area;
3.19.7 damaging any equipment and equipment located in the event area, including parking trees and grasses;
3.19.8 describing, labeling, or painting any equipment, equipment, or communications in the event area;
3.19.9 entering the area without prior consent or instructions from the operator;
3.19.10 threatening violence and/or committing it against individuals and/or a group of persons and/or inciting such conduct against others,
3.19.11 parking anywhere other than in the designated parking lot.
3.20 Visitors and event personnel are particularly obliged with regard to fire protection:
3.20.1 to act in such a way as to prevent the occurrence and/or spread of fire;
3.20.2 to respect the ban on lighting and handling open flames, igniting and/or detonating any pyrotechnics in the event area or its vicinity;
3.20.3 in case of fire, to act in accordance with the fire alarm directive;
3.20.4 to respect the ban on making fires throughout the event area;
3.20.5 to respect the ban on using grills throughout the event area,
3.20.6 to respect the ban on smoking and handling open flames in tents in camps in the event area;
3.20.7 to respect the ban on filling balloons with gases that, when mixed with air, form an explosive or flammable mixture;
3.20.8 to respect the ban on releasing so-called "sky lanterns", also known as "flying wishes".
3.21 Visitors are not entitled to engage in any business or similar activities in the event area without prior written consent and/or in violation of the terms of the written consent granted by the operator, or to distribute and/or sell any items to other visitors, including newspapers, magazines, printed materials, advertising brochures, etc., or to store any items inside the area.
3.22 Visitors, upon entering individual parts of the event area, shall familiarize themselves with the operating regulations/operating conditions of the respective area and shall be obliged to comply with these operating regulations/conditions in the respective area and to respect the instructions of the organizer or persons authorized by it.
3.23 Anyone who violates any provision of Article 3 undertakes to pay the organizer a contractual penalty of CZK 5,000 for each individual violation payable immediately upon identification of the violation. The right to compensation for damage is not affected.

4.Liability for Damage
4.1 Entry and use of the event area are at the visitors' own risk, and visitors are obliged to conduct themselves in the event area in such a way as to prevent damage to the health and/or property of both their own and third parties.
The organizer assumes no responsibility for damage to the health and/or property caused on the part of the visitor by the fault of another visitor or visitors, whether intentional or unintentional, which would have caused damage.
Damage can only be claimed directly against the person or persons who caused the damage by their actions.
4.2 The operator is not responsible for the loss of visitors' items.
4.3 Visitors are obliged to hand over to the operator, the person authorized by the operator, and/or the security service all items found in the event area. If visitors find any suspicious items or items capable of endangering the property, lives, and/or health of third parties in the event area, they are obliged to immediately inform the operator, persons authorized by the operator, or the security service. Each visitor is liable to the operator and/or any third party for damage caused as a result of his/her violation of the rules arising from these visitor regulations and/or other binding legal regulations.
4.4 The operator is entitled to demand from the visitor the surrender of the item that caused injury and/or damage to the operator and/or any third party.
4.5 Visitors are obliged to inform the operator and/or the security service of any injuries and/or damage that occur in the event area.
4.6 In the event of evacuation of the event area or its parts, or other extraordinary situations, visitors are obliged to follow the "Fire Evacuation Plan" and "Fire Alarm Directives" and to follow the instructions of the operator, persons authorized by the operator, the security service, and/or integrated rescue system units.

5.Making Audio-Visual Recordings and Monitoring the Area
5.1 Visitors are aware that the organizer takes visual or audiovisual recordings of events at the event venue. These recordings are made with simultaneous respect for the necessary degree of privacy of visitors, however, visitors are not specifically asked for explicit consent, nor are they individually notified of the recordings. Visitors further acknowledge that the organizer uses these recordings for self-presentation, especially by publishing them on its website and on YouTube. The organizer will comply with any explicit objection of a visitor being recorded, with the objection needing to be communicated orally to the person making the recording on behalf of the organizer in a manner that does not raise doubts about what the visitor is requesting.
5.2 The organizer bears no responsibility nor is it liable for any claims related to possible unlawful recording and subsequent processing of visual and audiovisual recordings by other visitors. It also allows accredited journalists, reporters of television and radio stations, and other persons engaged in journalistic and publishing activities to enter the event venue and make such recordings.

6.Final Provisions
6.1 The operator has the right, in the event of a reasonable need for change (especially in connection with the development of the legal environment, changes in the approach of the relevant supervisory authority, in the interest of improving the quality of services provided, etc.), to make appropriate changes to the visitor regulations. In such a case, the operator will publish the new version of the visitor regulations on its website, always with sufficient advance notice before its effectiveness. If any provision of the visitor regulations becomes invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions remains unaffected.
6.2 The visitor regulations are effective from May 28, 2024.


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